Run: Hill Repeats Previous Next


6.9 mi



8 / 10
7 / 10


A beautiful run at Hopkinton while staying at Mike's home. I was being greatly inspired by the BM today and wanted so much to put a run especially after having not run for several days due to flying and visiting and moving around etc. It was an enjoyable good quality run up on the hills of Hopkinton on a sunny day. Approximately 8 min per mile and legs felt great. Today was a great day for Franc to who ran an amazing 3.11.53 BM on a hot sunny day. All the Greeks with Vlasis competed too and it was tough experience for all. Vlasis did not have a good day but finished the run along with two others joining hands at the finish line. I run up Newton hills with both Vlasis and Franc. It proved to be a challenging day for Susan and Coach who had to drop out of the race. Susan did work hard to the finish... brave her. Tough Day for some and not for others. As they say noone knows what will the day bring on the Day of the Marathon. With all these memories I shall now build the picture of the jigsaw for what comes ahead bit by bit till the picture comes all together a year from now for Boston 2009.
