Run: EASY Previous Next


3:24 PM

3.3 mi


10:07 mi


128 lb


6 C


5 / 10
5 / 10
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An additional 3.5 miles to recover from the MRI 'ordeal'. Confined in the MRI tube is not fun, especially for a runner. I opened my eyes for a sec and thought 'This is it' / I am going to go now and felt my heart tightened and lost control 100%. There is no worse thing than this to be confined and loosing 100% control of movement. So, I closed my eyes and went into a deep state of meditation and through all motions to make it work. I went through the past / present & future, my previous and after life. It all evolved with speed of light and nothing mattered but that I used 'mind over matter'. I have no idea what was going on as I went into a zone of 'nothingness' but feeling comfortable in that 'nothingness'. Amazing but when they pulled me out, I had lost sense of time and if one had asked me how long I was there . . . . it could have been from 1 hour to eternity but I felt good in my senses and not disoriented but a bit sleepy. 'Awakenings', I said to myself.

For some reason after this experience I wanted to run free and I did. An easy free run recovering from the MRI and the its loud sounds. Now, I will have to wait for the 'verdict'. I am sure all will be good.
