Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


5.5 mi


8:37 mi


1.3 lb



8 / 10
5 / 10
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My breathing is holding me back and not my hamstring. Hamstring seems to be doing pretty well. No tightness, no hold ups. Maybe just slightly stiff but once body is carefully warmed up all symptoms are gone with just the memory and apprehension being left behind. However, I felt discomfort with my breathing each time I tried to push with tendency to cough. Tomorrow I am going to the Dr and looking forward to get some advise. I need to get rid off this before my Dentdale (14.5 mile) race as I will not be able to maintain speed. We shall see. Apart from the above niggling with breathing this was not a bad run in terms of effort. I did work hard all around especially after the 3rd mile. The course also had a few steep parts (short hills) but also beautifully painful memories of my Whiskers. It is something special about CD and this course. It almost feels as part of me has been left behind in time. So, emotional indeed. My splits:- 9:16, 9:14, 9:11, 8:39, 8:37.
