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11:13 AM

1.5 mi


11:38 mi


128 lb
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Dock Park


The Ron Hill mile is done. Still having issues with my knees. I have discomfort with the left knee but pain on the right. This is pretty weird as I have done nothing for this to happen 'out of blue', as they say. I know my physical body and monitor every single movement of my muscles. It does not make any sense!!!! I am puzzled but listening to the body. Still allows me to put one foot in front of the other. Hooray!! It is amazing how much one appreciates every running step on the way. I thank God for this and am grateful at all times. Nothing but nothing is taken for granted in my running. I have reduced the miles to manage my, at least, daily mile and I run smart in the hope and belief that whatever is that caused this temporary hurdle is going to leave me alone. Otherwise my body feels strong and aching for running. The streak goes on. -:)
