Run: RACE Previous Next


9:54 AM

26.2 mi


9:21 mi


120 lb



10 / 10
6 / 10


First impression of the course. Franc and I drove the day before to view the course:-

The Course was not the type presented on the net map. This is a very much Up and Down course all the way. Bumps and steep hills and on two occasions (from 4th mile steep for 1/4 mile, from 17 to 19 mile long steady climb with 21st to 22nd point mile steep up-hill) with the rest course being up and down bumps. The fact that is a steady down hill for first 5 miles (which in terms of elevation is correct) creates a different perception of the nature of this course as it does not count the small steep hills. However, ignoring all above this is one of the most spectacular courses I have run in Scotland. Running along beautiful narrow country roads along the Loch Ness and amongst the beauty of colors (a mixture of yellow, red, gold, green and brown leaves) forming at certain points a beautiful arch on the way that one runs under. It is an amazing sight in the wilderness of The Highlands with a bunch of people now and then playing the Scottish music and cheer the runners on their way. This all happened in an amazing / Lotto weather on the day.

About my run now:-



Weight Loss over the last 4 months (1 St)

Compartment very mild on both legs and no signs of numbness on right leg

Had descent sleep for last two nights but felt slightly shivery the day before (tiredeness + other)

Feeling fairly relaxed and self/composed emotionally and physically

Good stretching prior to the race

Feeling excited but in control

Happy with preparations

Having Frankie by my side

Weather on our side (day before 65 miles per hour strong winds + rain)

Use of Anti-Acidic tablets

Use of EFX discs on both legs (energy flow)



Lack of distance miles in my training (average 25 to 30 miles per week)

Lack of speed/interval training since Dentdale Race (14th March 2009)

Monthly troubles on the day which resulted in loss of fluids

Prior and throughout the race I took the 5 hour Power Energy drink, I drunk water regularly and had Gu Carb Boom at 10th point mile and 20th point mile. Very little sips of Gatorade. Had two anti-acidic tablets as prescribed by DR and used the EFX discs on either leg for 3 days prior to the race.

In my mind I split the course (since I had knowledge of landscape from day before) in 5 mile chunks making sure that my first 5 was the tester and the opportunity to build up to a steady pace thereafter. I had in mind that I must save energy levels for 3rd and 4th 5 milers on the way. So, I run strong for first 5 but held back slightly by running faster pace of steep parts and relaxing going down with each steep bump or other. I loved this as I love hills and this is where my strength is. I felt strong and good in self and at those first miles I was able to use mind and maximise performance by saving energy (Chi running on the flat and down hill parts, running relaxed up hill with small but fast strides and leaning the body towards the hill). So, I did apply a lot of technique in my first 10 miles and I felt I was building up speed beautifully on the way.

I wanted to drink more water and not Gatorade. I had no indigestion and no acidic side affects from the power energy drink. I felt lucky and strong to carry on.

At 10th mile point I had my first cramps on left toes and calf. This kept going off and on for up to mile 13 when the right leg started having numbing / tingling sensations and losing in a way the feel of the leg each time came of the ground. I was petrified of this. Numbness is something I cannot ignore. It is worse than pain as you have no visible enemy. It is the nerve business and disables you. At that point I decided to break the news to Franc so to have an awareness of what was happening.

An amazing thing happened to me at 15th mile point. SK came to me and stayed with me up to 23rd mile point. Images and visions of all closest and dearest came to my heart and soul. God was there with me at all times. I knew it in my heart and I had faith that nothing could go wrong. Nothing could have changed that. Through pain, numbness, cramping sensations I had faith that nothing would take this (qualify for the Boston M) away from me. I wanted to qualify for Boston. This time it was not enough to complete the Marathon this time I was running to earn my place and SK promised to be there for me. Images, words and thoughts of the Coach, lovely Strong Susan, Michael songs, Greek music by Yannis, Franc by my side, GOD never lets you down unless you let yourself down. My Mother and Evgenia came into play too. It was so amazingly beautiful. I could actively see the physical side of things. I knew I was running in the most beautiful course but I was oblivious to the physical stimulant but entered the zone the special zone of loving to run even with pain.

At 23rd point mile I was struck by what I was experiencing. I could not believe this was happening. I started becoming depleted and feeling a strong feeling of nausea and tendency to vomit. My legs started getting heavy and my body was sinking into gravity. No lightness and body weight almost felt twice and thrice of my actual weight. This is when I used every and any mental trick to complete the marathon. My pace was deteriorating by the second and I knew it was still another good 2 miles to go. Last mile my heart and soul came into play to lift the physical body and push. Push so hard I have never done in my entire running life before. I could see The Queen Park Stadium but I was not getting any closer. It was almost felt as everything physical was out of my reach. Frankie was still running by my side oblivious to what I was feeling at the time. And did I want him to know??? NO I DIDN'T! He did not need to know this. Not this time. It was just another 300 yards to go of pure agony. I knew I was so close to time every millisecond counted now. My whole being was tested to its maximum. I, not for one second, ever doubted that I would fail. Failure was not a

an option. I was doing this for a superior reason than just the time. My whole running dignity and pride had to survive. For the Past, for The Present for the Future - FOR GREECE. I had to bring all the energy together for the last vital minute on the Red Track of Queen Stadium. I urged Franc to hold my hand just 200 yards before the Finish. Our journey Hand in Hand for last 200 yards led us jointly to The Finish Line in a time of 04:04:47 sec. Franc would later tell me that he told me at the time that Boston is waiting for me now. I did not hear I had laid on the ground in a recovery position and feeling sick and numb inside my whole body and head. I could not hear or see what going on around me or better I could not make sense of what the guy on the loud speakers was talking about. I could hear a noise and music but had no perception of what had been said. I knew I had crossed the Finish Line but nothing else mattered now than the stretcher taking me and people make me feel better. The cramping pains I felt all over my body and the nausea along with the sock was indescribable. But what I knew was that I had won the Battle and faced the Loch Ness Monster. My spirit and inner strength had once again won over the physical body. I had won and had achieved all I came here to achieve. That was all that mattered. Then I just had to take time and recover and enjoy the feeling. Franc was a pillar of strength at all times but slow in movement as he told me later that he had suffered the race and had aching pains in his legs (Achilles and quads).



Next time, against all odds, I must and I will make a point to take glucose drinks throughout my runs. Water and Gu is not good enough for a Marathon. I suffered hypoglycemia which is a serious matter in long distance running. Now I know that GOD helped me through to achieve what I did.. . . . . . . . . . . . .

