Run: LONG Previous Next


9:00 AM

8.5 mi


8:40 mi



8 / 10
6 / 10


Training my new Assics Chiano Trainers again today for the Marathon. I did 5 miles before and adding the 8.54 today will help to adjust for the BIG RACE. Well whether it was the shoes or rather a BEAUTIFUL MORNING AND A GOOD DAY for my running the main thing is that today is the first day I run a fast pace for this distance since my Muckleton 8 mile race in May. Amazing work .. I felt strong, confident on my legs and I run well self-composed for most of the way speeding up at all times up hill. At some point I was doing tempo race on the steepest part of the course. Beautiful and undescribable feeling within. But in more detail as this is not enough this is what happened from the beginning.

First mile legs felt tight the usual thing but not severe. 2nd mile body starting responding well and in a way needing to go faster and stronger as the memory of the past runs took over. I followed my body and increased to a strong even pace whilst at 3rd mile sprinted up the steep hill. Breathing was just fine with little bit more struggle but rhythmical. At the top and between 3rd and 4th mile I relaxed and adjusted to a good/strong/even pace down hill slightly and up and down thereafter. I knew by then that the rest would be easy run so I picked up the pace a bit from 5th mile onwards. Body responded well and by that time I knew I could make it a harder workout. What a beautiful experience really is to be able to be the BOSS OF YOUR OWN BODY which cannot do anything but submit to the mind and soul. So, I gave most of it not all but most. I run nearly a tempo race for last 3 miles but still saving effort as I did not want to cause an injury. It is too good to believe what is happening to me. God and faith kept me going with feeling of relief and pain but hard work. I had no fear whatsoever that I could do this today. This run was a confirmation that the road now is open to harder/faster/and more gratified runs.

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL EPXERIENCE INDEED. And to more to come now. I AM DELIGHTED AND THIS HAS COME INTO A VERY CRITICAL POINT FOR ME. So I shall treasure the feeling and carry on.

Prior to the run I did a 10 min Warm Up stretching and then 15 min Warm Down stretching which allowed the body and in particular the calves to extend and stretch safely. Feeling great.
