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5:53 PM

6.1 mi


9:59 mi



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Track Workout in Dumfries

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My first track workout since last Sep (a whole year indeed). Where time goes I wonder!! It felt good and by default I foung myself amongst familiar Club faces. The Club use the track nowadays approximately once every 3 weeks. So, it was good to run with them again. Exactly a year since I have been with the Club in any way and form.

My run was good. I did a two mile warm up. Then I did my own thing and went with the body. I did 8 X 100 on the straight with recovery on the turns. I also did 2 X 200. Cardio was tough but I felt strong as time went on.

It will be interesting tomorrow to see whether CS will bother me at all??? The secret enemy that strikes without warning. I put 90% effort as I did not want to take risks. I was happy and felt light.

A very good beginning.
