Run: LONG Previous Next


11.1 mi


9:38 mi



9 / 10
4 / 10


One of the toughest runs. I did know before starting that I was going to pay the price for having a speedy run yesterday. Unfortunately there is always a price with CS when it involves speed. However, I decided to go for a long easy run. The first 4 to 5 miles it was agony..pure agony with no return as I had gone far enogh again in the hope that legs will get better. What motivated me a bit to forget was the start to hills (my favourite and my music + positve thougths). I did the hills proud ... running faster although legs still felt heavy but no much pain. I worked hard...pushed up steep hills and push down + on the flat and it went this way to the end of my run. 2/3 of this run (which is new combined course) consists of steep hills. At 6.5 mile point there was a bit of down hill (I pushed hard against the bitter cold/freezing wind. Today it is bitterly cold .. my legs were frozen but surprisingly no cramps. Oh my God I did work so hard with a lot of pain. The last 2 miles felt like dying hard but the thought of touching town grounds kept me going. I put a lot of effort on this run and wondered many times ... Why am I doing this?? I know motivation comes from inside but at times I do wonder as this is tough. I feel contended now and satisfied and glad I am home.... Legs feel soooooo needy.
