Run: FAST PACE Previous Next


5 mi


9:12 mi


128 lb


4 C


9 / 10
6 / 10


Todays' run was dedicated to my mother. 20 yrs to the day since she's gone but still feels as she is around and all seems as it happened just yesterday. It is exactly Evgenia's age / approaching her 20 yrs that my mother has gone. Memories to treasure and moments to embrace in my heart.

I run with Franc all the way but we did our own thing. Franc was ahead and putting in his own miles back and fourth but always near. The first mile was easy in a very cold afternoon / 4 C. The 2nd and 3rd, by Franc's Garmin, miles were really fast. I felt I was flying but no struggle or any effort whatsoever. I did not even breath hard during the fast pace or after. Franc noted that I was running at very low 8's pace / something like 8:10 or 12. I was in a zone and in balance and rhythm.

For last mile I slowed down a bit and it was then that Franc came by my side to finish the last mile with me. It was a special run today's run. My legs while slightly numb yesterday today they felt made from Steel, very strong and my breathing and heart beat was so rhythmical to my disbelief. Even Franc noted that I was not breathing hard at all to the end of the run. My mother gave me the wings today just looking from high above and allow me to glide as she once used to do on Tayetos mountains above Stoupa Bay. And there she was always there next to me and this is all I can say.
