Run: FAST PACE Previous Next


5.5 mi


128 lb


14 C


6 / 10
10 / 10


An amazing 5 miler today! My body took me this run effortlessly. I lost two days of my running and possibly 4 lb in weight. I had a very bad week with teeth business, serious inflammation, tooth extract, strong antibiotics and a very bad head for two days. This was a miracle run and I felt back to my LH standards. I took a quick look at my Garmin and was doing an average of 9:30 pace from the start gradually increasing the speed. My Garmin died at 2 mile point but knowing the course I carried away running and been in the zone of bliss. I did not even realise that Garmin had gone as I was also listening to music. However, I did know that I was running low 9s by the or high 8s. Back the Old Good Times that one goes with body effort rather than technology. I was pleased that for the first time in months I decided to stop and enjoy a walk for last 300 yards. It was so humid and close today but legs felt fresh and body light. Thank You to God for keeping my running going in this manner. The Best belated birthday present for me. Thank You God!
