Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


6.5 mi


128 lb



7 / 10
5 / 10


A Happy Run in a beautiful sunny day. Sun has become a precious commodity especially this time of the year but also for me as my joints need all beams of sunlight.

I took the 'risk' sensibly to run to Jimmy (my horsey friend) which is a bit further than our previous home. It all went fine and Jimmy loved every slice of the apple I carried with me all the way or for at least 3 miles. Garmin died from the start as I had not charged it properly the day before. However, I know this course in the back of my hand and I estimate fairly accurately that it is about 6.5 miles. I extended the course on my return home by running on Mabie road and then down the river Nith and so this added an extra mile + to my run.

Body felt good and happy and absorbed every bit of light on the move. The sunlight was so strong that I felt I needed to wear my sun glasses. I felt like a mole out of a hole.

It is such a beautiful feeling running free without pains and aches or niggles and worries. I remain grateful for every single step I take. Words cannot describe what this means to me. It means more than any marathon and any achievement the fact that God allows me still to run. Thankful for life no matter how long this is going to last. I never felt as much living in my running present as never before. Every single run I do almost feels like my last run. I embrace and value it from the bottom of my heart and soul. I am free, at peace and happy in the inside and no-one and nothing can take this away from me.
