Run: EASY Previous Next


5:29 PM

4.9 mi


11:13 mi


128 lb



8 / 10
3 / 10
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I did not look at my watch once. Time did not matter. I just wanted to run up to the point that my body would allow me without pain or problems. When numbness and CS started coming on I stopped on the spot. When arrived home I looked at my Garmin which was showing 4.9 and said to myself and Franc..........'Come on now I would have never stopped at that least I would have run the next 185 yards. But this can be a long way when numbness starts and is pointless. So, I kept my word to go with the body.

I have now booked myself an appointment with the Chiro to short this out. My lower back is out of alignment and I can tell when getting up from bed in the morning. My piriformis is tight and is causing me the numbness down the leg. As for the CS it can only get worse triggered by all the rest.

Franc and I are having a tough time. I do not know who is in the worse position but there is nothing much that can be done but give time and do all the things we all do as runners to prevent the worse and hope for the best. We both miss running without hold ups and pain so much. As for me.......I have learned to live with CS and manage and cope but numbness is different and of course the fracture is almost healed (90%) as it can still be stiff in the morning but it does not present any problems.

So, I guess, we both have to be strong on the inside to fight the 'Demons'. After all it is 2012. I shall wait for the Monday now and I am hopeful that things will be o.k soon. At least I can run even little is enough. What also helps is stretching the piriformis daily.
