Run: EASY Previous Next


5:30 PM

4.1 mi


8:25 mi



9 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map


This was a fast Springholm loop. I had no intention to go fast as CS, after a long time, presented itself. However, with Frankie saying to me .... O.K Eleni you go and I will catch up somehow motivated me to GO FOR IT. I took it easy for first 1/4 mile. It was windy with a steady climb towards Kirkpatrich Durhum and when the wind started getting stronger to my face I remembered . . . . . THE LADY OF THE WIND and said to myself (like playing a mind game) Frankie you will never catch me now that I have the wind on my side and there I went. I never looked back and I had no idea where and how far behind Frankie was the only thing that mattered was to go faster and faster especially at the wynded roads and turns so to disappear fast running home. I was loving it and I was no longer feeling CS and/or back problems etc. I could not hear Frankie's fooststeps behind .... it was so funny indeed. I saw this tractor in the distance and as I do not like tractors behind me or in front of me (they are teasers as it always feels as they chase me or competing with me or dur to being slower vehicles my challenge is not to allow them pass me) I rushed into the turn making my way to the stretch of the last 1.5 mile. At that point I turned my head there was Franc coming behind in the distance so I went faster and faster. It was just a game I had to go that fast so he would not catch me .... I just had to make him work harder and by doing so I made myself going harder which it worked well. 400 yards before reaching home I was able to hear Frankie's footsteps approaching mine coming along side me. It was fun. I feel psychologically I was looking for re-assurance on whether my back could cope with the speed again. I feel I now create opportunities to test my physical body as one does because I have to believe. I need to believe that my body will take me where I want to be and in good terms I am testing the grounds. It was a nice unusual run today in the sunny Springholm. Today the sun and rain took turns every hour. Unbelievable the changes in the weather we had today. Franc loves this weather and he is frighted of the going back to the Botson heat/humidity. Frankie said.. . . Eleni you made me work hard today and I had a big smile on my face too.
