Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


6:00 PM

8 mi



7 / 10
4 / 10


Tough run indeed but I needed to do it. I enjoyed the hills as always. Felt pretty bad during first 2 to 3 miles but it got slightly easier from 4th mile to the finish. I experienced tightness and pressure throughout the entire course on both lower legs. I run in a very slow pace and had no power/strenght whatsoever on my legs. Both legs felt very heavy and solid. I did know from the beginning it was going to be tough but I am glad I did it. Now I am running just for "Run to Love" as Gerry L. quoted many years ago. So, I need to thank Franc for introducing me to another highly spirited runner of all times who has also inspired me and motivated me to keep it up. No matter the physical body there still seems to be room for the heart. I am considering to be a lucky person to have experienced this. So every day now is a bonus and a present which makes it worth while.
