Run: EASY Previous Next


7 mi


128 lb



8 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map


It is pretty tough and dicey running on icy snow but it is beautiful and peaceful. All scenery covered in a white blanket and not many cares around. Country scenes on their best.

I did better than I thought and my tummy bothered me but not much as expected. Hopefully things will get better and not worse. I felt physically good but I was careful not to run outwith my home area range. I need to be close home as with temperatures below 0 anything might happen and I have no means of contacting anyone. This is beautiful but tricky weather and one needs to draw the line for safety issues. I am not 100% and as much as I wanted to go further I had to be sensible. My Garmin died from the start but I knew exactly the mileage step by step. This is one of my favourite courses. I called it a date at 3.5 mile point and returned very happy home. It was tough running down hill but I tried to follow the middle on the road where snow was still safe and softer rather the icy tracks.

Not many miles for this week but I am happy considering the odds of weather and other.

It has been a beautiful day and I feel contended inside.
