Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


5.7 mi


8:56 mi



7 / 10
5 / 10


Having taken one painkiller 20 min prior to running I attempted this run with a lot of caution but positive attitude. It went well. I run the whole course (partly hilly partly on the track) without any body alerts. For first mile I could sense that the lower part of right leg (soleus muscle) was a bit tensed but tension went away after 1.5 mile. I did feel out of condition as if I had not run for weeks rather than just 5 days. However, overall, I enjoyed the run, I did an easy pace all around and was delighted that I was O.K in the end. I was well warmed up and comfortable. This is a very good start. I will try to run every other day easy for this week and then build up safely distance and harder workouts. The next two weeks I will be careful not to get carried away till body recovers and back feels strong again. Now almost 5 hours later and without taking any other painkiller body feels good.
