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11:49 AM

7.1 mi


10:11 mi


128 lb


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11th of 11 of the 2011...some day to run with the Athlete of the Millennium / as known in America, The Man of values, mental strength of Steel, Unique Grecian and a Man with a heart of Gold ........

The Ultra-marathoner Yannis Kouros.

Words, of course, cannot describe the overwhelming feelings of inspiration and excitement. A simple, humble person who has the passion for life and giving to others through his hard work and running career. The connection was there from the beginning. A mutual feeling of many memories. Yiannis adjusted to my pace comfortably and I run free with no pressure, expectations and / or physical pain in terms of fracture or CS. CS was really mild to Nil. I showed Yannis the coast line of beautiful Piraeus something he had never expected to be so beautiful for running and experienced before. He liked the route and many people on the way recognised him stopping and acknowledging him with a smile or even a request for an autograph. A young guy runner was almost in tears for seeing Yannis in real life. Yiannis was calm, peaceful with a great smile and amazing response. The Man of the People who has achieved the unimaginable via his long running career and life experiences. I watched his form, the way he run and all his mannerisms. Yiannis runs with his arms, he drives through with his arms as much as with his legs. Of course there is a story behind this too. For All Yiannis Does when running physically, mentally, emotionally there is a reason for. Nothing is without a purpose and meaning. Yiannis' whole life is planned via running. Running has become inseparable from his flesh and soul. You can tell this when you run next to Yiannis. There is only rhythm no matter the speed he does and there is only amazing balance and fluidity no resistance or struggle.

It was indeed an amazing experience for me. Yiannis enjoyed the run very much too. He was rhythmical in pace as almost he had done this all his life at any pace and at any speed. Yiannis was running with his arms. I commented this and he did say that his arms were very strong. When he was a child he was helping his father in his business (joinery). He then after the army had helped a friend in his restaurant making pies and it was then that he had mastered the art of moving his arms in a certain motion which allowed him to rely so much in the movement of his hands. Running for Yiannis had become way of life from early days and way of life had shaped his Running, the two together hand in hand. One needs to understand Yiannis as a person in order to be able to understad the way he runs. Running has become a creative art in every step he does because this has been shaped through a way of daily life over the last 50 yrs?

It is so much to write about but this is not the time and place as more will be in the 'Book'.

I run well and I fet happy running in my home city, by the ocean and by the side of Yiannis.

It was a special day the 11.11.11 that will never be repeated. Yiannis has now inspired me and offered me energy to Do More, Go For More and for a reason and purpose. Greece, our country is going through a very difficutl phase and it has been so huring inside watching this everywhere, in the way people talk, feel, behave etc. Now I know I need to do something for my country too. It is so much to deal with, so emotional but so real. I know in my heart and soul that the opportunity will present itself when time comes for the message to be shared.
