Run: EASY Previous Next


11.9 mi


8:27 mi



7 / 10
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This was a continuous run of 12 miles but planned so the first 1/2 of the 12 mile to be slower than the second part. I felt tired because I only slept 4 hours last night but I pushed it up the hill for 2 miles. It was tougher but managed as legs responded well. I put more effort than I would normally anticipate but body went along with it. I aimed to do the other half of the 12 miles faster. This was the plan in my mind. So, after the 6th mile point I run a lot faster. Course became easier but I had a head on wind for most of the remainder of the course. So, the first 6 miles I did in 52:30 at 8:45 pace per mile.

The remainder of the 12 miles (total 5.9) was tough. It almost felt as If I was racing. However, I was just working harder as I had planned to do. The head on wind made it harder but I was enjoying the run and I surpinsingly felt strong all along. Tiredness due to watching the Men's Marathon last night to early hours of the morning but the Spirit of the Marathon paid its dividents. These guys were doing below 5 min miles in attrocious weather conditions (heat and humidity) so what I felt was nothing. If they can do it twice the speed I felt surely I can manage this. Coach had not asked me to go faster the 2nd half of the course this was my decision. I was pleased and delighted. I have many memories on this course due to years of running on it (KIRKCUDBRIGHT HALF MARATHON) so I had to honor it as it is the last time running on this course prior to the Marathon. At some point I reached the part where I used to do hill repeats 2 yrs ago. My body remembered and went as fast as ever. It was fun . . . tough work but fun. All is gone well but I now need to recover physically and I need to sleep forever. I miss my beauty sleep. Tomorrow I will relax in the pool and then deal with the rest of the week. Overall I did 11.9 miles in 8.27 per mile.
