Run: EASY Previous Next


8.5 mi


1.3 lb



10 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map


An extremely beautiful & satisfying running experience with some of the members of the Club. This was a tough one indeed. First 2.5 miles up on the steep hill/mountain then up and down cross country in fieds and hill tops/ maddy/slippery icy grounds and grass/jumping over many gates with gob smacking views in the horizon. What else one can ask when is this setting can only feel freedom. We had to navigate our way using a map / it almost felt as orienteering but it was a quality run with an extremely steep 1 mile hill during second last mile. I run with Mo another female of similar ability. We both were determined to get going and did not walk at any time. Behind us a few male runners and a couple of female but also in front of us and out of sight a couple of very fast male runners. The choice was between 3, 6 or 9 miles (approximately). I decided to go for the latter and did not regret. My breathing for the second last mile up hill was very heavy but I felt strong and my hamstring did not bother me at all. Really strange how body decides to react especially in one of the toughest runs of all. Healing is on the way and I am happy and grateful for it. All of us runners had a nice gathering after the run in Frank's house with great hospitality and comforts. A nice run on Valentine s's Day up on the hills which were very icy and slippery.
