Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


5.2 mi


8:55 mi


1.3 lb


8 / 10
7 / 10
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The first time in 6 weeks that I did not feel my hamstring being tight throughout the entire run. I almost forgot that I had a hamstring problem tonight. That is very good news. My run started at an easy pace but as I felt good I worked harder as one does. Listen to the Body go with the Body. I walked approx. 2 miles during my lunch hour and that possibly helped the leg to losen up rather than sitting in front of the computer + meetings all day. So, I felt well warmed up from the beginning. I run strong and I felt good considering the nearly Sun's 17 miler. I am also keeping up with my stretching which makes all the difference again. Every little helps towards a quick recovery. My splits:- 9.43, 8.51, 8.36, 8.47, 8.34. It feels good to run again without worries about the leg.
