Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


8.1 mi


9:47 mi



7 / 10
5 / 10
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My first run of 8 miles in 11/12 weeks. First 4 miles were difficult. Compartment was pretty tough and this time it on the right leg rather than the left which it was the case before. The right leg is the needy one. After the 4th mile I was able to settle into a comfortable pace and enjoyed the run more. My body responded better for the second half of the run. The same old story as one or two years ago when I had to run through discomfort for the first 2 to 3 miles before feeling losen up to enjoy a comfortable run. I enjoyed today's run and I finished strong. Well now the Garme does not really matter but only listening to the body and run by effort whilst trying to increase the miles sensibly and without risk of injury. I have this extreme need and desire to identity (in my own simple way) with SK. I want to run like him, I want to be inspired by him and the things that went into his mind to allow him to run free, I want to exprerience all the special feelings that come with running not through the clock but through my heart and all collective experiences of the long distant past. I want to revive all the memories old and new, I want to do this in a special way. This is the only way I will be able to reach my goal. Nothing else will matter at this stage. Sacrifice will have to take place. The sacrifice of the next 4 to 5 months which will allow me to run the course he did 63 yrs ago and 2500 yrs since the first ever marathon.
