Run: EASY Previous Next


5 mi



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This evening straight after work I went to the Red Track. I was so tired but equally determined to do the planned workout. When I finished my run I did say to myself in silence but loud inside my soul "Oh Jesus... Eleni you are strong runner". I felt I deserved to remind myself as I could not believe I had delivered having had a sleepless night. I hardly slept 1 or 2 hours. I woke up feeling exhausted and it was not for having important appointments today I would have cancelled work today. Especially after 3 pm at the Office I was dozing but I had said to myself ... Running and what is planned for today needs to be done. Because I do know this is the one and only way to enjoy and recover even from tiredness. I did 5 X 1 mile with 1 min recovery in between. It was raining which the perfect weather for me. My splits:- 8 - 7:30 - 8.04 - 8.04 - 8. During the 2nd mile I did not check my watch at all I just went with the body and when I had completed the mile I could not believe how fast I had gone. My recovery time was just perfect and had an easy transition from one mile to another. The 5th mile I had to put all my effort and recall the spirit of SK and my mother to complete it. At some point I could only feel my legs and hear the steps and taste the rain in my lips (heavy rain) but I was almost in another sphere .... feeling out of my body with rhyth but extremely tired. The strange thing is the body was going in an autopilot. I thought for a minute to do 4 instead of 5 but there was no way I would defy Coach's instructions. So, I was delighted with my performance. I enjoyed my warm down and felt really satisfied with completing the workout. I felt extremely relaxed having the perfect finish to a very tiring day. It is amazing what running can offer. I did a warm up of 2.5 miles and a warm down of 2 miles + the recovery distance. Approximately I put 10.5 miles overall today with an overall 7:44 per mile.
