Swim: Mixed Previous Next


1250 m


128 lb


6 / 10
10 / 10
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Swimming is getting better nowadays with so much more less effort. I wish I could say the same about running. Today there was a young runner in the pool using with his Aqua Belt. I somehow sensed that he was not cross- training but recovering from an injury as I recognised the signs. When I talked to the young person he did confirm he is recovering from a Shin Fracture. Immediately my first thought was .....'what if I have a similar thing/ maybe shin splins?' on the left leg near shin bone part. After all this has been going on for 6 to 8 weeks and does not want to leave me alone. As soon as I increase the miles it will allow me to progress + any weight or down stairs the pressure and bearning sensation gets worse. I tried to sent these thoughts away but I am now aware that all is possible.

With regards to my swim things were great. At least I can do something that does not hurt. Trial and error with running and I will have other ways to become creative and keep the momentum going. At least I have no longer inflammation with arms and back and so I am allowed to swim.

Weight is decreasing gradually too which is of great help.

Just keeping it up and will get there on of these days.
