daveshafron's profile   

Profession: College Admissions
Age: 44
Current Weight: 77.1 kg
Goal Weight: 75.3 kg
Location: Naperville, IL
About me: 
I've been running since I was in 5th grade. I actually hated cross country in junior high, I only did it so I could get in shape for basketball. I did it in high school with the same intent. After that first season and dropping almost 5 minutes in my two mile time (16:04 - 11:18), I was hooked. I ran throughout high school, 2 years in junior college and another 2.5 years at North Central College in Naperville. Since then, I have worked in higher education and continued pursuing running goals. I've run the Chicago and Boston Marathons and raced to the top of almost every major skyscraper in the midwest.
Why do I run: 
I'm competitive, its fun to be in shape and I like the challenge of maintaing a disciplined lifestyle while working full time and managing other committments. I like developing comradarie with new runners and I like trying new and sometimes unique athletic events.
Why I started running: 
At first it was to make friends in high school and get in shape to play basketball. I never knew running would teach me about so much more than running.