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10:00 PM

3.1 mi


6:39 mi


55 F

Race Result

6 / 150 (4%)
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PR. The course was an out and back from campsite 7 at Ridley State park. Going out was mostly downhill, which of course meant that coming back was uphill. My splits slowed as I went: 6:25, 6:42, 6:48, 38. As usual, I went out faster than I wanted. I think the fact that much of the first mile was down hill lessened the impact of the fast start. I felt pretty strong through the enitre race. I didn't really feel all that winded until the last half mile. The field was pretty small. I didn't get passed by anyone, and I didn't pass anyone except in the first half mile.

My last 5k was about a month ago, three weeks after Miami. I had hoped to run a 20:30, but turned in a 21:04. Given February's race, I had lowered my expectations and shot for a 20:50 this race. Given this, I was very pleased with today's time.
