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12:00 PM


6 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map

<No name>


bench95-10 115-10 135-10 155-10 175-3 190-2the 2nd one with a touch of help 215 bench shrugs175-2 155-7 135 -10 115-14 95-16

incline 65-10 85-10 105-6

flies 25-10 37.5-1050-10

pull downs 7-10 7-10 8-10

squats 95-10 115-10 135-10

calves 60-10 80-10 100-10 120-10

hip abs and ads 50-10 70-10 90-10 70-10 50-10

crunches 70-20 then side 90-10 110-10 130-10

knee raises on dip bars 3 sets of 10
