Run: Easy Previous Next


8.5 mi


6:55 mi


Ran with just DD cause The Dad was too busy camping at the airport and TyGu was tossing disk bro.

Knee felt much better today. Taped it up a different way where I cut it in half and put one ontop of the other so it could cover from the bottom of my kneecap and go over the spot where it hurt. during the run I kept getting excited to not be hurt I kept going ahead of Eddy, but I kept myself in control and made myself slow down so I wouldn't aggravate it. Still picked it up the second half. On the way back got a 6 spinner from the dog, it was awesome. Once we started the downhill my knee started hurting a bit, but nothing too bad. Added on a campus loops and two trips around the block to go to an hour, stopped a minute early, oh well.

Post Run: knee hurting a bit, pretty painful to touch lifted then iced then rolled quad and IT


-1 set of:

--Stationary Spiderman with Twist x 6 ea side

--Rocking Ankle Mobilization x 10 ea

--Split stance kneeling abductor mobilization x10 ea

--kneeling hip flexor mobilization x10 ea

-2 sets of:

--BW Prisoner squat x 10

--Bent over Y x 10 (was supposed to do 8 but forgot)

--Alternating BW prisoner front lunge x 8 ea

--Push up x 8

--Dying bug x 8 eab
