Bike: Race Previous Next


9:55 AM

12.5 mi


17.05 mi / hr


119.5 lb


35 F


10 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map



Oh my goodness. Hard. Freezing cold. Hit T1 -- in addition to the socks, shoes, zip-up jersey, race belt and bike helmet, I added a headband and thick biking gloves. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough.

I rode hard, passing 7 or 8 people (primarily in the 2nd half) and getting passed by only one woman (aerobars lady). It was windy. It HAILED on me at one point! I couldn't see a turn because I couldn't lift my head up due to the hail. Knew it was coming, so I sort of winced a lot as I turned....and -- ah!-- the hail was now behind me, so I could see. And it let up soon after that (thank goodness it didn't cover the road). It also rained. I was warm, but my fingers and toes grew colder and colder until they were numb, just like 2 weeks ago (so the gloves didn't help!). Next time it's this cold, stay home or use both and and toe warmers!

I came into T2 vexed because of the numb extremities, and couldn't get my shoe buckles undone, grrr. Kept trying, and trying...and then my abdomen muscle cramped, severely....ah, pain! And I gave up. Walked off the course. DNF! :(

I SHOULD have just taken a few minutes to calm's gonna be OK....get the buckle undone...put running shoes on, no rush...and take off on the run. Running would have been fine and the numbness would have gone away.
