Run: Striders Previous Next


800 m


4:02 mi

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Easy up, 5 x (800 on / 1k DBO steady) + an extra 800, easy cooldown with 4x30".

Slept (poorly) at meme's last night then got up early to come back to the city. Made good time and got back to my apartment and just wanted to go to bed. Made it out there and was pleasantly surprised that DW was at the track and had a good group to go with. Over 70 and humid to start so tough conditions again. Led the first one and started very slow, felt good picking it up the second rep though. By 800 #4 though I was hurting, stayed with the group thru the 800 but fell off after that. Kinda slogged thru the rest, it was hard. I'm getting heat acclimated and was happy to hang thru 4 but it's still just too damn hot for a long workout like this to be high quality.
