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3.4 mi


7:28 mi


161.2 lb
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15' up, 3x1.5mi@HMP (1'RJ), supposed to be 4x1/2mi@5kP (only did 3) w/2'R, 10' down. Ran this at FP after school on the usual road course. Thought I was feeling pretty good on the warmup, but right from the first HMP rep my effort wasn't matching my splits and I could tell I was a little off. The 1.5mi reps were at a pretty decent pace, but about 5-10" slower than I would have expected. First 1/2 rep felt fine, but second one my legs were not feeling powerful and I decided if the third one felt worse I'd call it. 3rd one was a 2:44 feeling like the same effort as the 2:32 so I knew it was time to call it quits.

Not too worried, actually pretty happy that I'm feeling pretty well-tuned to my body and how it's feeling. Gonna cut tomorrow's run by a couple min and take Thursday shorter than planned as well. Rather be safe than sorry at this point.
