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6:08 AM

0.5 mi


4:00 mi

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3ish mi tempo with the bad boys, jogged up and down cricket to the track to recover then 5 x (900m on track, ~500m recovery up and down cricket) + one more track 500 for good measure. 4 x 30 on cooldown

Good day today. Think I'm doing chicago marathon now so had to step it up a bit. Jumped in with the faster guys for their tempo, they had 5 going 5:40-25 so I just tried to hang in as long as was reasonable. Pace was a bit quick so just tucked in for one 8k loop then hung on til I felt like I was working too hard, peeled back towards the track. Had a hazy idea of just doing 3ish min fartlek with cricket hills as recovery, so ended up doing 900s on the track. Got pretty hard, it was just a bit tough being in the sun even though it wasn't that hot out. Didn't run fast on this part, but overall got the work and mileage in.
