bdg1875's profile   

Gender: Male
Age: 53
Current Weight: 83.9 kg
Goal Weight: 81.6 kg
Location: Norwich, CT
About me: 
Just started to run somewhat seriously in Aug. 06 to prep for the Hartford Hafl Marathon. I didn't have an established mileage base but immersed myself in the training, albeit painfully. Oh, I thought that I would just go from no base to a base of 25-35. Needless to say, I wasn't prepared but managed to do 2:15 for 13.1. I signed up for the '07 Hartford Marathon and have a better sense of what I'm doing...I think!
Why do I run: 
It's that precious time of solitude and to experience a sense of peacefulness. I especially like running very early in the morning under the stars and watching as the sun rises - absolute bliss!
Why I started running: 
Great stress relief and time to reflect