Run: Easy Previous Next


5 mi


9:00 mi


8 / 10
7 / 10
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fairly intense 5 miles. Rather pissed off at the world for some reason. Which is strange, given that I had a GREAT week! Good classes, my Dept. officially "retained" me up thru my tenure decision, and I was nominated for the Teaching Award. So why was I so pissed off at the world? Weird.

Well, had a mild argument this morning, slushy conditions, stupid drivers, snowmobilers on the sidewalk, awoke at 6 am with lingering 18-hour migraine headache, smelled like smoke...

But I feel much better after that run. If it weren't for running, I'd probably explode! Running as therapy. Yup. And now, I'm just a couple of miles from 100! Woot!
