Run: Tempo Previous Next


11:20 AM

14.1 mi


6:56 mi


48 F


8 / 10
9 / 10


6:55 avg. Wasn't really sure what type of workout I was gonna do today but definitely wanted to get some quality in cuz it was SUCH a nice day to run! I had a Long Run w/ fast finish for either today or tomorrow, so decided just to cruise out of town 7 miles, then try to beat my time back. And, THEN, I wanted to see if I could make it a sub-1:30 Pikermi. It felt SO good not to have the wind raking it's way across my face! 7:40, 7:20, 7:24, 7:17, 7:10, 7:02, 7:26 (stopped for bathroom break and didn't stop the Garmin). I touched the Historical Marker sign, then turned and went back up the long hill, past our Adopt-A-Highway section. Doesn't look TOO messy! 6:48. Then I used the downhill, and hit 6:23, which still felt good. Mile 10 had a slight uphill, but still felt real good at 6:07. I figured I had to avg. under 6:15 the last 4 miles. Mile 11 still felt pretty good, 6:05. "No Way Out" by Jefferson Starship came on, and I put it on repeat for the rest of the run. Mile 12 was 5:59, mile 13 was 6:00. I marked the Pikermi on the GPS: 1:28:47. Did the 6.1 in 37:26, which is a 38 minute 10k. Jogged home the rest of the way. I probably pushed myself too hard, but was having fun! Wore my NEW Asics 2160's without Superfeet. Loosened laces - seemed pretty good, though right foot really sore when done. Left quad a little tight, and right calf a little tight at times.
