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11:16 AM

10 mi


7:18 mi


160 bpm
184 bpm


24 F


7 / 10
7 / 10

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7:18 avg. Decided after a few minutes that I'd try to do a few miles at current est. M pace. I figured about 7 min. pace for 4-5 miles. Light snow shower @ start, and light E wind. 8:13 first mile then picked it up. Felt hard for the first half mile or so. 6:49, 6:51, then turned onto Bentonite Road and picked up slightly cuz of slight headwind and the gravel. 6:37, 6:41. Then I knew I would finish out a 10K... 6:44, 6:24 and 6:10 for the last .2... did 41:22 for the 10K, which was about 2 min. slower than my race last summer. 6:40 pace. Then just jogged around til I got to 10 miles. Footing was pretty good for the most part. My Garmin congratulated me on a new VO2 Max record of 61, but I'm nowhere near that!
