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9:59 AM

1.5 mi


5:40 mi


166 bpm
193 bpm


37 F


10 / 10
10 / 10

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5:39 avg. mostly w/Em. She blew out to a big lead w/Drew Woolery. I was 4th behind Irene til the traffic light. Passed Drew near Valley County Transit and then passed Emilee just before the turn onto 6th. Really thought about giving up and letting her win, but thought I could do it. She held on, though, and it wasn't until the last turn that I pulled away just a bit. Won by 6 seconds. I really didn't want to race today, but it may have been my last win. Had bad headache for a little while afterwards. Heart rate monitor is funny: it was high early in the jog then fell. Max was 193. For the race, it started out way low, then shot up at the end to 193. But my avg. heart rate on the jog was 173, and the race was 166. Gotta love tech.
