Run: Easy Previous Next


3:30 PM

8.8 mi


6:24 mi


Feel much better today. Still coughing so it is a bit hard to breathe but got the run in and felt pretty good in doing so. Run seems to go by much quicker when you aren't repeatedly running laps around Prescott. I am excited for next weekend but also nervous since I haven't had to face objective results for quite a while. I guess even if next weekend turns out to be a wake up call it will be okay considering a lot can happen in three months. On the other hand, my workouts have been going alright so all signs point to something not terrible.

The only slight qualm I have with how things are going so far is the mileage. My confidence would probably be higher hitting low/mid 70's instead of 60's but I'm not really all that upset considering things have been extremely consistent.
