Run: Easy Previous Next


5 mi


8:12 mi

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<No name>


this was supposed to be one of those hard easy things and i just didnt do it. i ran with slack tim seese and that freshman who i like i keep forgetting his name and my mood was just kindof pissed off at the world. I thought that doing 3 hard days in a row was retarted but at the same time felt bad about setting a bad example. we came back and p rel gave us a speech and called me out about playing frisbee and talked about how long runs should be run hard and nothing against p. rel but i think this may have been the deciding factor about quiting winter. when i got home i texted brad "if i quit winter will u train w/ me?" and he was like yeah dude i would love to train with u ill train u to be a 438 miler. Before that i had like no motivation this week ive been like hating running, but just thinking of having a high goal like that and training for it on my own started to make me feel motivated. Oddly, this begining of motivation has been carrying over to winter yesterday and today
