Run: Easy Previous Next


5.3 mi


8:12 mi

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<No name>


real easy run i got in a good conversation with pepe eastlack and rolon on the long run and it flew by. until i had a sudden pain in my knee at like 40 minutes which made me go inside. But yeah im starting to have second thoughts about quitting, if only cuz of the people. I would miss everyone so much. but if i ran with everyone ever thursday it wouldnt be so bad. but would that actually happen? and would it be the same? idk. but i know that once i make a decision i will be happier, and right now im still like 90 percent towards qutting. the way i see it is that i already know everything winter track will be, with the exception of how fast i will/would run. But training on my own or with brad i have no idea. it could be really good, or awful and i end of sitting on my ass all winter. but the only way to find out is to do it. for all duggan says about not being a quitter, i would feel like a coward if i was too afraid to a. face down jones b. try something im not sure how it will turn out.
