Run: Long Previous Next


12:00 PM

16 mi


10:38 mi


28 F


8 / 10
9 / 10


Great run! Actively snowing the whole way, and headwind outbound. Yaktrax worked well - no one shoveling yet except in Arlington Ctr. (Mm.. wet brick + yaktrax = running on glass!) Course selection was a good analogue for Boston course -- some long hills w/ 2-3% grade, and a steep downhill to the turn-around, then right back up! Felt good, though quads & knees are tired from supporting on the snowy downhills, and I think my lats will be sore tomorrow from same.

Best moment: Stopped at a pizzeria at mi. 12 for hydration -- no powerade, but they had Nantucket Necatars "Half & Half" (sweet iced tea + lemonade). So good! Had exactly $2 in cash, so the guy spotted me the dime for tax, then when he found how far I was going, offered me pizza, too. :-) I stuck to my chocolate Clif Shot, but did use a wad of napkins to wipe down my face.
