Run: Baby jogger Previous Next


11.2 mi


10:42 mi


147 bpm
164 bpm
76 bpm


83 F


7 / 10
5 / 10


start of official philly training. didn't plan well - thought I was going to drop Y off after 5-6 mi and continue w/o stroller. felt good, so decided to do an out & back instead of a double loop, but had no fuel (other than Y's goldfish crackers, of which i ate a few handfulls), and plain H2O, no T pass, no $. legs pretty tired afterwards, and pace not quite what I wanted. HR low b/c of lots of stop & start, including a near-goldfish-choking incident that required on-course cuddling and soothing. last 2 mi of up-hills back into medford very tough on the quads, knees sore. still, feels good to know that the 12-milers that used to be the toughest part of my half-marathon training are now just a sunday jaunt with the stroller, even when ill-prepared.
