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7:00 AM

32.9 mi


11:38 mi


95 F

Race Result

38 / 188 (20.2%)


A long hot tough, but satisfying race. I refilled the hydration pack at Penny Pines both ways and drank a lot at the other aid stations along with solid food. I took a salt stick capsule every half hour and either Accel Gel or Roctaine about every 4-5 miles. I saved most of the roctatane for the last part. I started with friends Eric & Cecilia Meech which really helped me set a good pace and get in the right part of the pack before we hit the single track hills. I ran with barry and Carl from SDRI at times during the Big Laguna Loop.

Aid stations were great. The vibe before during and after the race was great. The food before and after was more than enough and high quality. The shwag was great too (technical shirt, socks, coffee cup, and metal water jug). I even came home with 1 and half Acceleraide recovery drink jars and a box of Accel Gel.
