Run: Race Previous Next


7:15 AM

26.2 mi


8:17 mi


196 lb


38 F


10 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

638 / 4000 (16%)
29 / 254 (11.4%)


MISSED BOSTON BY 39 seconds! 3.36.38!!!! The race: sunshine, but cold and very windy and gusty the whole way; traffic jam on freeway getting in and at port-a-johns; finished my business there, dropped off warm-ups at bag drop; and squeezed in behind 3:30 crowd at start with 1 minute to go; gun went off and it began; runners were bogged down at start, then began to thin going over Ambassador Bridge to Windsor; Windsor was OK, then went down into tunnel for about a mile (pretty cool) and back out near Cobo Hall; saw Anne at 10 and 14, we high-fived; then went out east-ward to Belle Isle; still feeling pretty good; over bridge onto Belle Isle into 30 mph headwind; ran with head down, almost lost hat a few times; watching ground and thinking I'm not going very fast; made it to the other side of island; running for about a mile with the wind; then reached the end and back into headwind and over bridge to mainland at 20; still feeling OK and almost 3 minutes under goal time, then calf siezes up and I almost go down; cursing, I stretch it a few seconds and keep going, but more shuffling than running; calf loosens up a little, but pace has now dropped to around 8.45-9.00; get to 23, semi-running, with 5K home stretch into wind again; keep going, but calf bites back hard at 24 mile marker; stretch again, cursing and praying simultaneously and keep going, but 25th mile is 9.21; 1.2 to go and still thinking I have a chance, I start to push as best I can; rounding turn towards Ford Field finish, I start to sprint and enter stadium down the ramp at full tilt; hit the Astroturf and the finish at the 50-yard line, punch my watch, look down, see I missed BQ by half a minute...

Splits (some not reliable - mile markers seemed off; some not seen d/t crowds):

1-2: 16.37

3: 7.56

4-5: 16.06

6-8: 22.56

WATER MILE (through tunnel under Detroit River): 7.43

9: 8.41

10: 7.56

10 MILE SPLIT: 1.20.13 (8.01 pace)

11: 7.54

12: 8.06

13-14: 16:12

HALF-SPLIT: 1.45.20 (8.02 pace)

15: 8.02

16: 8.03

17: 8.14 (belle isle into wind)

18: 8.26 (belle isle into wind)

19: 7.48 (belle isle with wind)

20: 8.31 (into wind)

20 MILE SPLIT: 2.41.28 (8.08 pace; almost 3 minutes ahead of BQ time)

20.25: CALF CRAMP!!!!!!

21: 9.11

22: 8.44

23: 8.52

24: 8.43

25: 9.21

26.2: 10.12

TOTAL 3.36.38 (8.17 pace)
