Run: Tempo Previous Next


7 mi


6:18 mi

  • Map

<No name>


Run on my own on the trail. After a couple of miles I realized I was feeling good and should maybe try another workout. I decided to go for another tempo and got into what I thought was a solid pace. I didn't have a GPS watch so I was just going based on feel. I felt like the pace was more tiring than the tempo pieces with Nutmeg recently but I couldn't tell if that was due to going faster or just running on my own. Overall I was feeling pretty good though and just kept rolling along. I ended up doing 20 minutes at tempo which was probably a little over 3.5 miles. I mapped it on google maps after the run and it looked like it was just under 5:30 pace for workout. I was definitely starting to get some back tightness the last half mile or so but I felt really good about the workout in general.
