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20 mi


6:30 mi

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<No name>


Run on my own from work. I felt up for a long run and from early on was set on going 20ish. Miles were clicking by right away as I went toward sac and fox since I haven't done that yet this year. It was actually feeling so easy that I tried to make sure I didn't get too carried away as I was hitting 6:3x already at mile 2. Breathing felt very relaxed, hills were hardly noticeable, and I was just cruising along with fresh feeling legs. I started to daydream about what it would be like to just run a marathon on a daily run and for awhile wondered if I could fit it in without Brittney worrying about me. But I knew that wouldn't really be a good idea and that I was only ~5 miles into a long run so I was sure my thoughts would change. Miles 7-10 started to feel a bit longer and my knees were feeling achy already. I had an option for a loop but decided to turn around at 10 and force myself to 20, along with getting more miles on the soft surface. Knees continued to feel sore on and off but actually felt better on the way back. And miles were clicking by again. It felt like I went from 10-15 quickly and was rolling more 6:2x now still trying not to get too out of control. Ended up seeing a couple of coe guys going the other direction and then about a mile later started to catch 3 other coe runners that must have been going shorter. Caught them on the hill right around 15 and blew by them pretty quickly. I was at 16 at the end of sac and fox and still felt good but by 16.5-17 I was finally starting to feel the fatigue. I wasn't really slowing down but definitely felt that it was getting harder. Still cruised the last few miles at about the same pace for a pretty fast 6:30 pace 20 mile run. I'd like to think I still could go further, but dreaming of 26.2 on my own seemed like a long ways yet. Definitely a good day though and now a new longest solo run.

53, 38, 39, 38, 32, 26, 30, 30, 32, 37, 25, 22, 18, 21, 24, 28, 25, 31, 28, 25

Half in 1:24

I also realized my 17 miler earlier this year was not my longest solo run. While running today, I started to remember a long run (which I thought was 19 miles) from the house I was house sitting at when I first moved to Cedar Rapids. I knew it was near my birthday in 2010 and confirmed it was 19 after the run. I'm not sure how I missed that run before.



Solid run! Breaking into the 20s is special. I do the same thing in the first quarter of a long effort- dreaming of going for some epic distance- by the last quarter I'm usually back down to earth and just hoping to finish my initial goal.