Swim: Free Style Previous Next


2100 yd


1:55 / 100yd

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After a day off I woke up with chest pain like someone had punched. It actually felt a lot like the issues I had with breathing a few years ago so I need to make sure I focus on breathing with my stomach again. It may be due to the harder swimming again too. I have been going much harder in the pool the last month.

That continued today. I could tell stretching out in the pool that my chest felt tight from it but it wasn't really an issue during the workout. I did 12x100 on the 1:45 and swam all of them in 1:23-1:25. The last one was a 1:20 but I really had to push for it. I'm really happy with how good 1:25s have been feeling. I'm sure my swim this weekend will still be a weak point but hopefully I'm starting to improve again.
