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9 mi


7:00 mi

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<No name>


Run with Nutmeg and Helix. This was an interesting run. My legs felt great, but a big work lunch had my stomach in a rough place. I still felt good on the way out and Helix seemed to be struggling a step or two behind so I figured the sideache and stomach tightness would go away and not get worse. But it got much worse and finally I felt like the best option was to make myself sick. Only the second time I have ever done that on a run, and unfortunately it wasn't too successful and only mildly helped. I also tried a bathroom stop but after that I just felt a light headed from getting sick. Anyway, legs still felt good and tried to roll back just to be done. Ended up still feeling uncomfortably full on the drive home and got sick again at home. Maybe something I ate was bad but it is more likely it was just way more than I normally eat at lunch.
