Bike: Easy Previous Next


10 mi


20 mi / hr

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Didn't get to work today. Biked on the trainer and considered running with Nutmeg when he got home. By that time I just felt lazy about running and slipping on the snow so I had another day off. This is starting to get out of control. The bike felt ok. It took me a little bit to settle in, and my legs seemed to have a discrepancy in length or strength because it never really felt smooth. Still good to do a little something today.


Emma Spoon

Don't worry, I've got you beat in the number of days off lately by far. Nothing like some forced cross-training to make you appreciate the ability to get out the door to enjoy a run.


It looks like that cross-training worked out for you in your race. You might have keep it in your training plan now.

Emma Spoon

You may have a point there, though I'm going to prioritize getting in some consistent running and higher mileage too.