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15 mi


6:44 mi

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<No name>


Long run with Chase. Chase did 10 with me and we did another 4 mile tempo around 6:10 pace. Overall I felt much better during the tempo, but my quads were really sore after it. I was able to talk Chase into doing the workout toward the end of the run, which is nice because Chase likes to cool down much quicker than I do. I usually back off quite a bit for a mile or so after any type of long tempo or completion of a workout. Chase, however, just tries to dial it back to normal speed. So our mile after the workout was still 6:55. I know this isn't very fast but my quads were really sore for some reason and this continued pace didn't give them any time to recover.

So when I headed out on my add on I took it easier for a mile and felt much better. Then I was able to start getting back to the normal running pace the rest of the way. It took a little bit of mental discipline to get to 15 but I'm glad I did it.


Maggie P

Nick work!

15 is legit!