Run: Strides Previous Next


7:20 PM

6 mi


6:05 mi


85 F
  • Map



Kind of a "pat myself on the back" run. Company softball game today from 3-5 in the heat, and we then retired to Parente's, where I proceded to have 2 Cokes and a couple bites of food. Got home just before 7:00, and just wanted to get in a few miles and some strides. I felt good on the opening miles, so I went 6m, and did 8x :30 with :30 rest from 4-5.5m. The big downside to this run is the blister situation that cropped up again. I lubed up the shoes a little in the heels with some Vaseline and that helped for the most part - only a little irritation. But I got this burning sensation under my left forefoot, that I actually thought was a pebble in my shoe - nope, just another new blister with the new NB Minimus. Just so strange that the first pair didn't give me a problem and now these are 0-2. I like how they make me feel too much to give up on them though - I WILL break these in. I was actally hoping to race in them soon, but that may be asking too much.

So, that situation is part of the reason I slowed in the last mile. The other part of that was the rstling sound I heard behind me by the waterfall area. I turned around to see a young deer staring at me from probably 25-30 yards. I stopped the watch, and stared right back. It eventually trotted across the trail and down into the woods.





11:11 for 2m

